Why choose laser marking? how to choose the laser marking additive?


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There are many reasons to consider permanently marking your product.

Whether you need to protect your brand from counterfeiters, improve logistics management, or clearly identify products to simplify installation for end users, permanent marking can help you achieve your goals.

Options also abound. For example, if you manufacture wire and cable, options include embossing wheels, ring marking, engraving, offset printing, hot foil printing, laser marking, and inkjet marking. In other industries, labels can be used.

Why Consider Laser Marking?

Because advances in laser marking equipment and additive technology enable high output rates while still providing excellent marking contrast. Unlike other methods, laser marking systems are easy to program and support flexibility in the production process. And they are virtually maintenance-free, requiring no consumables.

Advantages of laser marking:

  1. Using laser marking as the processing method, there is no processing force between the workpiece and the workpiece. It has the advantages of no contact, no cutting force, and small thermal influence, which ensures the original accuracy of the workpiece. Laser marking machines use laser beams to permanently mark the surface of various substances. The effect of marking is to expose the deep material through the evaporation of the surface material, to “engrave” traces through the chemical and physical changes of the surface material caused by light energy, or to burn off part of the material through light energy, showing the required etching. pattern, text. Laser marking machines use laser beams to permanently mark the surface of various substances. Laser marking machines can be divided into CO2 laser marking machines, UV laser marking machines, YAG laser marking machines, and fiber laser marking machines according to different lasers. The computer control system is the center of the control and command of the entire laser marking machine, and it is also the carrier of software installation. The laser marking machine should be used in a dust-free, 10℃-35℃ environment as much as possible to keep the optical components dry and dust-free. Laser marking machines are mainly used on some occasions that require finer and higher precision. At the same time, it has wide adaptability to materials and can make very fine marks on the surface of various materials with very good durability.
  2. The space control and time control of the laser are very good, and the freedom of the material quality, shape, size, and processing environment of the processing object is very large, especially suitable for automatic processing and special surface processing. Laser marking machines use laser beams to permanently mark the surface of various substances. Laser marking machines can be divided into CO2 laser marking machines, semiconductor laser marking machines, YAG laser marking machines, and fiber laser marking machines according to different lasers. The computer control system is the center of the control and command of the entire laser marking machine, and it is also the carrier of software installation. The laser marking machine should be used in a dust-free, 10℃-35℃ environment as much as possible to keep the optical components dry and dust-free. Laser marking machines are mainly used on some occasions that require finer and higher precision. And the processing method is flexible, which can not only meet the needs of laboratory-style single-item design but also meet the requirements of industrial mass production.
  3. The laser marking machine has fine marking and engraving, and the lines can reach the order of millimeters to microns. It is very difficult to imitate and change the marks made by laser marking technology, which is extremely important for product anti-counterfeiting.
  4. The combination of a laser processing system and computer numerical control technology can form efficient automatic processing equipment, which can print various characters, symbols, and patterns, easy-to-use software to design marking patterns, change the content of marked websites and adapt to modern production with high efficiency and fast pace requirements. Laser marking machines use laser beams to permanently mark the surface of various substances. The effect of marking is to expose the deep material through the evaporation of the surface material, to “engrave” traces through the chemical and physical changes of the surface material caused by light energy, or to burn off part of the material through light energy, showing the required etching. pattern, text.
  5. Laser processing and the traditional principle: Compared with the printing plate which transfers the ink hole to the substrate through pressure, there is no pollution source, and it is a clean and pollution-free high environmental protection processing technology. A laser welding machine is a machine for laser material processing, also known as a laser welding machine and laser welding machine. Laser welding machines, optical fiber transmission laser welding machines, optical welding is to use high-energy laser pulses to locally heat the material in a small area, the energy of the laser radiation diffuses into the interior of the material through heat conduction, and melts the material to form a specific molten pool to achieve welding. the goal of.

How does the whole process work?

To create the mark, a laser beam activates a laser-sensitive additive embedded in the polymer. The light beam changes the molecular structure of the additive, causing a color change that creates a permanent mark. Sourcing additives as a masterbatch, often bundled with colorants, makes it easier to add to your production process.

Choose the right laser marking additives

The benefits of choosing the right additives will be visible, clear, and permanent on your product. With that in mind, here are a few things to keep in mind as you search for laser marking masterbatches:

Make sure you choose the right recipe for the type of equipment you are using or plan to use

If possible, choose Dome Materials’ laser marking additives or masterbatches developed for your specific industry – this can help you save time and improve quality

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