Optimizing Laser Marking on Black Plastic: Guidelines and Recommendations

laser marking additive masterbatch for TPU livestock ear tags

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When considering laser marking on black plastic, several factors need to be taken into account, including the choice of materials and techniques employed. Here are some tips for choosing the right materials and techniques for laser marking on black plastic:

1. Material Selection:

Ensure that the black plastic material you are using is compatible with laser marking. Some plastics may not respond well to laser marking and may result in poor quality or undesirable results. To ensure effective marking, it is advisable to opt for plastic raw materials that are natural or transparent and have good thermal conductivity.

2. Contrast Enhancement:

To improve visibility, it is recommended to incorporate laser marking additives or colorants when marking black plastic. These additives can be included during the manufacturing process to create a contrasting effect when laser marked. The image below illustrates the difference in visibility when using DOME™ laser marking additives versus not using them.

laser additive vs no additive
laser additive VS no additive

3. Laser Type:

Select the appropriate laser type for marking on black plastic. Certain laser wavelengths work better on specific types of plastics. For instance, fiber lasers are often a better choice for marking on black or dark-colored plastics because they have a higher absorption rate.

4. Power Settings:

Adjust the laser power settings to achieve the desired marking depth and contrast. Higher power levels may be required for darker plastics to ensure clear and visible markings.

5. Marking Techniques:

Depending on the complexity of the desired markings, you can choose between vector or raster marking techniques. Vector marking creates clean and precise lines, while raster marking produces shading or filled areas. It is important to test the marking techniques on a small sample of black plastic to ensure the desired outcome.

6. Testing and Optimization:

Before embarking on a full-scale production run, it is advisable to conduct several test markings to fine-tune the process. This will help identify any issues or potential improvements needed to achieve the best results.

7. The last and most important point:

Avoid using carbon black masterbatch/toner when laser marking white on black plastic. To ensure optimal laser marking results of black plastic products, it is crucial to refrain from incorporating carbon black masterbatch/toner during the injection molding process. By substituting the black masterbatch with laser marking additives comprising 1%-2%, the negative impact on laser Absorption caused by excessive carbon black content is mitigated. This precautionary step is essential for maintaining the desired laser marking effect.

Remember that laser marking on black plastic can be a complex process, and it may require some trial and error to achieve optimal results. Consulting with experts or working directly with a laser marking equipment manufacturer can provide valuable guidance and assistance throughout the process.

The following video demonstrates the comparison between laser marking white effects on black-injected plastic parts that were added with DOME laser marking additives. The materials used for comparison include PC, ABS+PMMA, TPU, PE, and PC+ABS. By using a 20W fiber laser machine, the lasered marks on each material showcase that the laser marking parameter settings vary significantly depending on the specific material.

White Laser Mark on Black Polymers

Keep in mind that laser marking on black plastic can be a complex process and it may take some trial and error to get the best results. Consulting with DOME™‘s professional technicians/sales personnel or working with laser marking equipment manufacturers can provide invaluable guidance and assistance throughout the process.

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